July 4th, 2020

It’s July 4th, 2020. While you’re stuffing your face and setting your backyard on fire, take the time to watch these short vids…

One of the things will help us recover lost freedoms is the repeal the 17th Amendment to the Constitution. It will go a long way to restoring state’s power over the federal government.

Some background…

The argument for repeal.

The Triggering: Discussion? at UMass

If you watch this video all the way through, I promise that you will witness the bare-naked truth about the culture of the left with a focus on the environment of the typical college campus; in this case, UMass.

Christina Hoff Sommers, Milo Yiannopoulos, and Steven Crowder.

Duct Tape Warning: You may want to duct tape your skull to prevent the explosion from messing up your computer monitor & keyboard.

Vodaphone Learns the Lesson

Gratz to Vodaphone for finally putting 2 & 2 together to make 4. The formula is easy: If you don’t put your customer’s trust first, you will soon have no customers.

This is true for most – if not all – businesses. However, it is life or death in communications. You may think that most of the idiots that post selfies don’t give a damn who sees what but EVERYONE has things they don’t want known about themselves. EVERYONE. When that trust threshold is finally breeched, customers will vote with their feet and various smart-devices. B$

Vodaphone Learns the Lesson

Discussion of the 4th Amendment to the Constitution

Air Force Base Takes Down Nativity Scene #tgdn #tcot

First of all, it isn’t a violation of the Constitution. If you study the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and the Federalist Papers, then you’d know that.

Second, I’m ashamed of my Air Force for succumbing to pressure from a bunch of ignorant morons (the so-called Military Religious Freedom Foundation). I wonder, “Do these people get laid?” …because if they have nothing better to do that this, then the answer is probably a resounding, “NO!”

Conclusion: Look, you know I’m not a Christian so I can’t go at this from that angle. But I DO KNOW THE CONSTITUTION. The first amendment clearly does not forbid these things. If you’ll check it, organizations like these based their arguments on a letter that Jefferson wrote about “the separation of church and state”. Nowhere in the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence or any other of our founding documents does it “directly” or indirectly call for this mysterious separation of church and state.

The next time one of these morons tries to call you on it, all you have to do is call up the Constitution on your phone, iPad or take it out of your pocket (if you’re like me) and ask them to show you.

Air Force Base Takes Down Nativity Scene Following Complaint « CBS Charlotte.